Phone: 360-376-3184 Text: 360-230-8429
Mother Teresa
Tuesdays from 12-1:30, downstairs at the Orcas Island Community Church
176 Madrona St., Eastsound, WA
This weekly meal is free and open to all.
March Menu:
3/4 Spaghetti and salad
3/11 Baked potato bar
3/18 Stir fry and rice
3/25 Chef salad
Meals are cooked and served by volunteers and we encourage everyone to participate. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up through the link below.
We also welcome organizations, businesses and groups to make a meal. Funds are available to underwrite the cost of ingredients if needed. If your group would like to sign up, please email
The Fresh Bucks program is a partnership with the Resource Center, San Juan County Health and Community Services, and Orcas Food Co-op. Fresh Bucks helps stretch dollars to make healthy food more affordable and investing in our local farms and community. The program provides up to a $20 benefit each purchase to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables and produce basics. To learn more or apply, visit the link below or contact the Resource Center.
The Island Grown Food Access Program provides each client a debit card with up to $150 to spend at the San Juan Islands Food Hub and Farm Stands/ Farmers Market Vendors that accept debit/credit cards. All locally grown EBT eligible food such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, bread, and seeds/plant starts that produce food can be purchased. This program helps lower income individuals and families stretch their food dollars and buy more locally grown food products. It also supports local farming and keeps dollars in our local economy.
The Orcas Senior Center, Whatcom Council on Aging and San Juan Senior Services work together to facilitate and support the Meals on Wheels and More program at the Orcas Senior Center. Healthy meals are prepared for enrolled seniors and home delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. To learn more about receiving home-delivered meals, contact Steven Ziegler, San Juan County Senior Services Specialist, at (360) 370-7525 or
The Resource Center's Food Access Program provides simple healthy food options available on site for unsheltered clients and those without adequate cooking facilities. To learn more, please contact the Resource Center at 360-376-3184 or
The co-op believes that people deserve equitable and affordable access to high-quality, local, organic foods that support diverse nutritional needs. Their FLOWER program, an acronym standing for “Fresh, local, organic, & within everyone’s reach”, provides 10% off every visit to member-owners who are enrolled in SNAP, TANF cash assistance, WIC, SSI or SSD. If you are not a member-owner, you can become one for as little as $2 a month. To apply visit the link below.
The mission of the Food Bank is to nourish current and future generations of our community through food access, education, and advocacy. Income guidelines may surprise you as many island residents qualify to receive no-cost food at OIFB. To learn more about hours of service or becoming a customer visit the link below.
Delicious and healthy senior lunches are served in-person from 11:30am to 12:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays at Orcas Senior Center. Enjoy engaging conversation, live music, and art exhibits! Suggested donation is $5.00 per meal for guests aged 60 and older and $10.00 per meal for guests under 60.
This income/household size based program, formerly known as Food Stamps, is available through the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). As an added benefit, many farmers markets across the state accept SNAP. Shoppers visit the farmers market information booth and swipe their EBT card. They provide tokens for the amount swiped on the card allowing shoppers to spend with market vendors on SNAP eligible items. Apply by phone at 877-501-2233 or apply through the link below. Need assistance? Contact the Resource Center.
SNAP/EBT shoppers can double their benefits on fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets, including the Orcas Island Farmers Market. Look for the SNAP Market Match logo and vendor signs. Shoppers can receive matching funds based on their spending.
WIC is a federally funded nutrition program providing healthy foods for pregnant women, new and breastfeeding moms, and children under age 5. Eligibility depends on household size and income. To learn more or apply, call the San Juan County Health Department at 360-378-4474 or visit the link below.
The Women and Infant Children (WIC) and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) provides vouchers for low-income seniors, pregnant women, and women with young children to purchase fresh, healthy food at local farmers markets including the Orcas Island Farmers Market. Program participants receive the vouchers from their WIC clinic or local senior agency and spend them directly with approved farm vendors at approved farmers markets. Vouchers can be used to purchase fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and fresh cut herbs. The Senior vouchers may also be used to purchase honey. To learn more or apply, call the San Juan County Health Department at 360-378-4474.